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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1387. HEDVALL, J. A., AND HEDIN, R. [Ferromagnetic Conversion and Catalytic Activity. IV. Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide and Ethylene Over Nickel and Carbon Dioxide Formation From Carbon Monoxide Over the Heusler Alloy, MnAlCu2.] Ztschr. Physik. Chem., vol. 30, B, 1935, pp. 280-281; Chem. Abs., vol. 30, 1936, pp. 1621-1622.
Rates of the reaction change discontinuously at the Curie point when the ferromagnetic properties of the catalyst disappear. A commercial thermal-conductivity apparatus was used successfully for analysis of the CO-CO2 mixture.