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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1346. HAMAI, S., HAYASHI, S., AND SHIMAMURA, K. Physicochemical Investigations of Catalytic Mechanisms. V. Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Hydrocarbons. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, vol. 17, 1942, pp. 252-259; Chem. Abs., vol. 41, 1947, p. 4367.
Co with kieselguhr was used as catalyst with various amounts of ThO2, CeO2, and Cu as promoters. Gas contraction and oil formation from CO and H2 are recorded. The gas contraction % is higher for 15-10% CeO2 and for 2-30% ThO2. When CeO2% is low, the addition to the ThO2 lowers the activity, but if CeO2 is high, the addition of ThO2 does not improve the gas contraction. CeO2 gives a relatively high yield of oil and low yield of CH4, whereas ThO2 gives a relatively high yield of CH4 and low yield of oil.