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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1344.    HAMAI, S., HAYASHI, S., AND SHIMAMURA, K.  Physicochemical Investigation of Catalytic Mechanisms.  III.  Desorption of Various Gases From the Catalyst Used in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.  Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, vol. 45, 1942, pp. 313-318; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 2401.

        To study the mechanism of catalysis in the synthesis of hydrocarbons from CO and H2, a Co catalyst with certain promoters was heated 190°-200° and saturated with H2, CO, or N2.  Another 1 of the 3 gases was then passed over the catalyst, and the velocity of desorption of the original gas was measured by analysis of the exhaust gas.  H2 was more quickly desorbed than CO.  A comparison of the desorption of CO by H2 and of H2 by CO indicates that CH4 formation predominates when there is an excess of H2.  The mechanism of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction is proposed to be ConCO→ConCHOH→ConCH2