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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1323. ---------------. [HALL, C. C.] Recent Research on the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Ind. Chemist, 1949, pp. 163-173; Chim. et Ind., vol. 60, No. 3, 1948, p. 69; Fuel Abs. 1949, No. 1080.
Paper presented to Congres de chimie industrielle, 21st Congress, Brussels, September 1948. The Co catalyst process, hitherto used commercially, gives a low space-time yield of products, unsuitable as a source of motor fuel. By using an Fe synthetic NH3 catalyst at high space velocities and temperatures, it has been shown, in confirmation of American claims, that the space-time yield can be increased 15 times and primary products suitable for the production of good-quality motor fuel can be obtained as the major final product. The use of residual gas recirculation is an essential requirement for achieving the desired results. The Fe catalyst is shown to be particularly active when used as a fluidized powder, and this system would be applicable for large-scale operation. The normal type of Co catalyst is unsuitable for operation under conditions of high conversion at high gas-space velocities. The results of experiments with a Co catalyst at temperatures below the normal synthesis range and of a study of the behavior of alcohols in the presence of Co and Fe catalyst give a strong indication that formation of alcohols is an intermediate step in the synthesis of hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process.