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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1314.    HALL, C. C.  Chemische Werke Essener Steinkohle A.-G. Bergkamen Near Kamen-Dortmund, Germany.  Inspection of Fischer-Tropsch Plant, CIOS Rept. XXVII-54, 1945, 5 pp. PB 413; TOM Rept. 10; TAC Rept.SnMC-4; TOM Reel 197.

        This plant contained 124 standard-type atmospheric-pressure ovens, divided into 2 stages; the exact distribution between them depended on catalyst life, plant operation, etc.  Each oven contained 1 ton of Co catalyst, the life of which was about 8.5 mo.  The synthesis gas was prepared from coke and coke-oven gas in 12 Demag water-gas sets and contained CO, 29% and H2, 59%.  A freshly charged oven was treated 1st at 185°-190° for 24-48 hr. with residual gas from stage 2 and then put on stream in stage 2 at 180° where it remained for 2-3 mo.  It was then transferred to stage 1 when the operating temperature had risen to about 190°.  The gas contraction in stage 1 was 45-50% and the over-all contraction 72-75%.  The average annual yield of products was 156-157 gm. per m.3 of gas.  After 2-3 mo. in stage 2 and 3 weeks in stage 1, reactivation of the catalyst took place by means of H2 treatment at 195° for 24 hr. alternated with solvent extraction with benzine at 120°-150°.  The products of the process were:  14.7% gasol, 47.9 gasoline, 17.3 diesel oil, 10.7 heavy oil, 7.7 gatsch, and 1.7 hard wax from catalyst.  The annual output was 80,000 ton.  The composition of residual gas from the process (500,000 m.3 per day) was:  CO2, 20.3%; CnHm, 1.6; O2, 0.1; CO, 10.5; H2, 18.0; CH4, 30.9; N2, 18.5%.