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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1308. ---------------. [HÄGG, G.] [Powder Photographs of a New Iron Carbide.] Ztschr. Krist., vol. 89, 1934, pp. 92-94. Chem. Abs., vol. 28, 1934, p. 7100.
X-ray patterns of Fe that had been in contact with CO for 430 hr. at 225° show weak lines of Fe3O4 and Fe3C, with stronger lines of a new carbide, which is probably Fe2C. At higher temperatures the Fe3C grows at the expense of the Fe2C. After heating in vacuo at 500°, only lines of Fe3C remain. It was not found possible to index the lines of the pattern for Fe2C.