1218. GOODEVE, C., AND JACK, K. H. Kinetics of Nitrogen Evolution From an Iron-Nitrogen Interstitial Alloy. Disc., Faraday Soc., No. 4, 1948, pp. 82-91; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 4933. Rate of N evolution from e-Fe nitride at 350°-500° is given by a 2d-order equation with respect to interstitial N concentration and is associated with an activation energy of 42,100±1,400 cal. per gm. mol. The evolution rate of N atoms per 100 Fe atoms per sec. is given as r=2 ≈ (102/A)=(102 Newn/A)e-E/RT, where A is the number of Fe atoms in the nitride particle. The approximate value for the successful collisions w is taken as 3 A. From the known structure of e-nitride and the observed particle diameter N, n and A are known. At 450°, the values are c=1.05X105 cm. per sec.; N=1.9X108; n=3.8X1014; A=2.3X1012. Thus, at 450°, r ranges from 0.7-4.3X10-3 with a most probable value of 1.8X10-3 N atoms per 100 Fe atoms per sec. The velocity of diffusion of N atoms to the surface is at least 104 times as rapid as the rate-determining process. The rate-determining stage of the reaction is considered the combination of N atom pairs at the solid surface. By calculation of the collision frequency on the assumption that this surface reaction behaves as in a 2-dimensional gas, the correct order of magnitude for the absolute reaction rate is predicted. GOODMAN, J. B. See abs. 2576, 2577. |