1180.    GERLACH, W., AND VON RENNENKAMPFF, J.  [Magnetic Properties of Nickel Supersaturated With Carbon.]  Naturwissenschaften, vol. 31, 1943, p. 96; Chem. Abs., vol. 37, 1943, p. 4999.

       Anomalous decrease of saturation magnetization with increasing temperature in Ni supersaturated with C is restricted to the temperature range of room temperature <300°.  The coercive force decreases normally between –200° and +50°, and remains constant from 50° up to 300°.  In this range no saturation is reached, even at 3,000 oersteds.  Numerous Curie points are in this range.  The % remanence increases under 0°.  This behavior is attributed to the facts that the alloy is a definite ferromagnetic substance of a Curie temperature about 50° plus a number of ferromagnetic Ni-C alloys of decreasing or indefinite C content, and that C separates and the alloy gradually approaches pure Ni with gradual rise of the Curie temperature and hardening.  After separation of all the C the normal character reappears.  After annealing at 600°, the temperature curve of magnetic saturation is normal.