1150. GAS JOURNAL. Indirect Hydrogenation. Vol. 215, 1936, p. 482; Colliery Guard., vol. 153, 1936, p. 419. Koppers Co. is closely identified with the Fischer-Tropsch process. In 1935, the Koppers Co. of Essen received an order to supply the plant to produce the mixture of CO and H2 (the “synthesis gas”) necessary for this process. This order comprised the whole of the plant to produce in a sufficiently pure condition the gases for the Fischer Tropsch installation at Braunkohle-Benzin A.-G., Ruhland, for the Braunkohle-Benzin A.-G., Berlin. The first section of the plant has a capacity of 900,000 cu. ft. of synthesis gas per hr., which corresponds to a yearly production of 25,000 tons of primary products. The Koppers plant at Braunkohle-Benzin A.-G., was put into operation in April, 1936. Since then Koppers has received a further order for the extension of this installation to produce an additional 4,500,000 cu. ft. of synthesis gas per hr., for the production of which 5 new units will be needed. All the Braunkohle-Benzin A.-G. units manufacture the synthesis gas from brown-coal briquets. At another plant ordered in 1935 by the Rheinpreussen Company, Homberg, identification of the Koppers Co. with the Fischer-Tropsch process has been carried a stage farther. Originally the Koppers Co. had to provide the synthesis gases only, but now the arrangement has been extended so that Firma Heinrich Koppers G.m.b.H., as general contractors, have charge of the designing, and the supervision of the erection and starting of the whole of the plant for the production of liquid power fuels. This plant is to produce 30,000 tons of primary product per year, the raw materials being blast furnace coke and coke oven gas. The products will consist of motor spirit (benzine), diesel oil, soft and hard paraffin wax, and oils for the production of domestic fats, and other chemical uses. |