709. DOHSE, H. [Heterogeneous Decomposition Reactions. III. Decomposition of Methanol on Zinc Oxide.] Ztschr. Physik. Chem., vol. 8, Abt. B, 1930, pp. 159-180; Chem. Abs., vol. 24, 1930, p. 4452. CH3OH dissociates in 2 steps; 1st, into HCHO and then to CO+H2. This can be seen with certainty only when studied from monomolecule films, and both steps are than of 1st. order. The reaction constants grow somewhat smaller as the reaction proceeds as a result of lessening activity of the reaction centers. The heat of activation for the 1st. is 22,500 cal. and for the 2d. 35,000 cal., the latter being in good accord with the direct determination for HCHO. |