657.    DAMKOHLER, G.  [Excess Temperature in Catalyst Grains.]  Ztschr. Physik. Chem., vol. 193, 1943, pp. 16-28; Chem. Abs., vol. 39, 1945, p. 2689.

      The maximum excess temperature, θmax in a stationary catalyst grain during reaction is independent of the chemical reaction velocity, as well as the radius of the grain and is determined solely by the heat of reaction Q, the internal diffusion coefficient Dji, the internal thermal conductivity λ4, and the external concentrate c of the reactants.  The following equation was derived:

      θmax. QDji (cjr-cjo) /νj λ4 where cjo

  is the equilibrium concentration of reactants and νj is the stoichiometric coefficient of constituent j.  Calculated θmax for SO2 oxidation was 0.42°, for NH3 synthesis 0.20° at 20 atm. and 0.57° at 1,000 atm., for MeOH synthesis 1.0°, for butane synthesis from CO and H2 3.0°.  This behavior of an individual catalyst grain is quite different from that of a converter where chemical reaction velocity and dimensions of the reaction vessel are of importance.