587.    COITH, H. S., AND ROBITSCHEK, F. O.  Determination of Suitability of Paraffin Mixtures for Conversion to Fatty Acids by Catalytic Oxidation.  FIAT Final Rept. 905, Sept. 3, 1946; PB 42,659; Suppl. 1. 3 pp., TOM Reel 240.

     Catalytic oxidation of paraffins to fatty acids is greatly dependent upon the characteristics of the raw materials, therefore small-scale tests are important for evaluating the proposed raw materials.  2 such tests are described and compared with the actual production procedure.  One of the examples given is a paraffin mixture boiling 320°-450° (Fischer-Tropsch Gatsch) using potassium permanganate as catalyst.  3 German plants used this method:  The I. G. plants at Oppau and Heydebreck and the Deutsche Fettsäurewerke at Witten.  Supplement 1 contains 2 drawings of apparatus for oxidation.