161. BAUKLOH, W., AND EDWIN, B. [Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Disintegration of CO.] Arch. Eisenhüttenw., vol. 16, 1942, pp. 197-200; Chem. Abs., vol. 37, 1943, p. 5903. It is shown theoretically that the CO disintegration 2CO=C+CO2 is a special case of adsorption catalysis, which under normal conditions progresses only very slowly but assumes technical importance in the presence of suitable catalyzers such as Fe, Ni, or Co. The adsorption of CO molecules by the metallic surface is connected with an increase in their activity. The theory for the calculation of amount and concentration of disintegration and of disintegration velocity is developed, and the respective formulas are given. A maximum of disintegration exists, which depends on temperature; with increasing temperature the chemical reaction velocity increases, the adsorption possibility of Fe, and thus its capacity to influence the process catalytically, decreases. The C disintegration increases with increasing pressure (at constant temperature) to an asymptotic maximum value. |