150.    BARTLETT, E. P., HETHERINGTON, H. C., KVALNES, H. M., AND TREMEARNE, T. H.  Comrpessibility Isotherms of Carbon Monoxide at Temperatures From 70°-200° and Pressures to 1,000 Atmospheres.  Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 52, 1930, pp. 1374-1381; Chem. Abs., vol. 24, 1930, p. 2925.

                  CO is shown to be similar to N2 in physical properties at high pressure.  In the low-pressure range, CO is slightly more compressible than N2 and in the high-pressure range slightly less compressible.  At about 375 atm. pressure, the deviation of CO from the law of the ideal gas is approximately constant (1,217) through 270°.  At this pressure, the volume of a given mass of CO is a linear function of the absolute temperature.

                  BASAK, N. G.  See abs. 1182, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1771a.