6.     ADKINS, H., AND PERKINS, P. D. Behavior of Methanol Over Aluminum and Zinc Oxides. Jour. Phys. Chem., vol. 32, 1928, pp. 221-224; Chem. Abs. vol. 22, 1928, p. 1521. 

  Fifty cc. of CH2OH per hr. was passed over 1 gm. of catalyst at 300°-400°. CH2OH was converted almost quantitatively over the Al2O3 catalyst into (CH3)2O in increasing amounts at temperatures up to 350°. Further increase in temperature resulted in a rapid increase in products other than (CH3)2O (CO2, CO, C2H4, H2 and CH4). Formation of (CH3)2O over the ZnO was almost negligible. Formation of gaseous decomposition products occurred, however, above 325°. Synthesis of CH3OH by catalytic hydration of (CH3)2O over Al2O3 was accomplished at 270°-430°. Optimum H2O : (CH3)2O ratio as constant flow varied with the amount of catalyst used.