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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 180

(Original Designation Navy 5868-5)

Table of Contents

Continued from reel 179 (Navy reel 5868-6)

Part 20.  Frames 5133-5834


A note book entitled “Brabag” – Communications issued by Braunkohle-Benzin A.G. from the files of Dr. Hausmann. The note book contains 243 pages and is divided into 16 sections, which deals mainly with petroleum (natural and synthetic) and related processes.  The communications are short abstracts of the literature and patents on the interests as shown in the 16 sections and cover the years 1939-1944. Some references to German journals are included which are not generally available in the U.S. during the war years.  A substantially different (and much more complete) copy of the above – substituting – Dr. Vollmer – for Dr. Hausmann also appears.

1.             Miscellaneous handwritten and typed notes.  Mainly 1942.  Frames 5133a-5133k.  11 pages. 

2.             Literature and Patent Abstract – Brabag Reports.  

I.                    General.  20 pages, not in original order.  Frames 5134-5163.

II.                  Coal – characteristics, processing, and by-product production.  12 pages.  Frames 5164-5176.

III.                Gas Production and Purification.  32 pages.  Frames 5177-5209.

IV.                Product production by adsorption, etc.  3 pages.  Frames 5211-5213.

V.                  Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction).  5 pages.  Frames 5214-5218.

VI.                Hydrocarbon (Fischer-Tropsch) Synthesis.  3 pages.  Frames 5219-5221.

VII.              Gasoline.  2 pages.  Frames 5222-5223.

VIII.            Diesel Oil.  1 page.  Frame 5224.

IX.                Lubricating Oil.  5 pages.  Frames 5225-5229.

X.                  Fuel Oil.  1 page.  Frame 5230.

XI.                Refining.  2 pages.  Frames 5231-5232.

XII.              Cracking and reforming.  4 pages.  Frames 5233-5236.

XIII.            Stabilization.  No pages.

XIV.            Dehydrogenation and olefin processing.  3 pages.  Frames 5237-5239.

XV.              Analytical.  55 pages.  Frames 5240-5297.

XVI.            Utilization of hydrocarbons for chemical purposes.  81 pages.  Frames 5298-5381.

3.             Literature and Patent Abstract – Brabag Reports.

I.                    General.  69 pages, not in original order.  Frames 5382-5453.

II.                  Coal – characteristics, processing, and by-product production.  25 pages.  Frames 5454-5478.

III.                Gas Production and Purification.  39 pages.  Frames 5480-5520.

IV.                Product production by adsorption, etc.  15 pages.  Frames 5521-5535.

V.                  Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction).  22 pages.  Frames 5536-5557.

VI.                Hydrocarbon (Fischer-Tropsch) Synthesis.  21 pages.  Frames 5558-5578.

VII.              Gasoline.  21 pages.  Frames 5579-5601.

VIII.            Diesel Oil.  9 pages.  Frames 5602-5610.

IX.                Lubricating Oil.  25 pages.  Frames 5611-5635.

X.                  Fuel Oil.  1 page.  Frame 5637.

XI.                Refining.  33 pages.  Frames 5638-5670. 

XII.              Cracking and reforming.  36 pages.  Frames 5671-5707

XIII.            Stabilization.  4 pages.  Frames 5708-5712. 

XIV.            Dehydrogenation and olefin processing.  30 pages.  Frames 5713-5743.

XV.              Analytical.  39 pages.  Frames 5744-5783.

XVI.            Utilization of hydrocarbons for chemical purposes.  49 pages.  Frames 5784-5834.

Part 21.  Frames 5835-6270

NOTE BOOK – Table of Contents.  3 pages.  Frames 5835-5837.

1.             A notebook containing form sheets and standards for nuts, bolts, screws, and flanges, etc., issued by Braunkohle-Benzin, A.G., dated 1940.   44 pages.  Frames 5838-5885.

2.             Hydrogenation installation. Data and reports on hydrogenation plants at low temperature. Reports also concern themselves with equipment such as heat exchangers, preheaters and gaskets. Drawings are included. These reports concern the Leuna works and are dated from 1936 through 1939. 111 pages.  Frames 5886-6025.  A significant number (almost 30) of numbered frames are missing – some documents incomplete.

3.             Exchange of experiences conferences contained in a notebook from the file of Dr. Braune dated from 1941 through 1944. This book contains Exchange of experience conferences among the Ruhrchemie people and subsidiaries:

A.      Report on conference in Essen, January 12, 1944. Various problems concerning the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.  January 20, 1944.  21pages.  Frames 6027-6047.  1 page missing.  This same conference reports also appear on FIAT reel X-114, items 1-FF and 1-GG.

B.       Report on explanation of explosion in the blast main of the water gas plant. November 29, 1943.  2 pages.  Frames 6048-6049.

C.       Report on the conference on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis works at Essen, January 8, 1943. The report has pages 12 through 49 missing out of a total of 78 pages.  43 pages included.  Frames 6049A-6092.  This complete report is also reproduced on FIAT reel X-114, item 2-C.

D.      Report on the cobalt supply situation meeting held in Essen on May 4, 1943. By Hagemann.  May 10, 1943.  6 pages.  Frames 6093-6099 (frames 6098 missing).  Report also contained in FIAT reel X-114, item 1-CC.

E.       Report on addition to the report dated March 26, 1943 in Bergkamen. Report of Dr. B. Lőpmann on the improvements in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plants methods and to increase production and catalyst life.  10 pages.  Frames 6100-6109.  Also reproduced in FIAT reel X-114, Item 1-DD.

F.       Report on exchange of experience on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis work held in Bergkamen on March 26, 1943.   The lengthening of the catalyst life by the method of the Essen coal chemical works. Also additional correspondence relating to this meeting.  36 pages total.  Frames 6110-6147.  Meeting report also appears on FIAT reel X-114, item 1-AA.

G.      Report of exchange of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis experience conference at Essen on April 17, 1942. Frames 6148-6163.  16 pages.  Report also appears on FIAT reel X-114, item 1-BB.

H.      Report on a conference of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis works at Essen, October 3, 1941.  78 page report divided into 7 sections, plus related correspondence.   Frames 6165-6254.  88 pages total.

1.        New methods in purification.

2.        Influence of higher sulfur content on the synthesis.

3.           H2S production in synthesis gas from the sulfur in the cooling water.

4-5.    The development of middle pressure synthesis of olefins.

6.       CO and H2 balance as an aid in synthesis control.

7.          Development work on the subject of iron catalyst.

I.        Report on conference held on July 31, 1941 in Essen concerning experiences with calcined Kieselguhr catalyst and supply of purification material.  8 pages.   Frames 6255-6263.  Report also reproduced on FIAT reel X-114, item 1-Z.

J.        Report on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst carrier of the Ruhr works on March 24, 1941, at Essen. By Laube.  March 26, 1941.  6 pages.  Frames 6264-6270 (frame 6268 missing).


End of reel 180.