TITLE: Proceedings of the Natural Gas R and D Contractors Review Meeting.  

AUTHOR: C. A. Komar;   R. D. Malone;   C. W. Byrer.

INST.  AUTHOR: Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV. Morgantown Energy Technology Center.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Apr 89,  476p*.


NOTES: Natural gas research and development, Morgantown, WV, USA, 18-19 Apr 1989.


The purpose of this meeting is to present key results of research in the DOE sponsored Natural Gas Program and to simultaneously provide real time technology transfer to the interested public. Over the past year, the DOE Natural Gas Research and Development program has been broadened in scope to include emphasis on the geoscience aspects that relate to eventual gas recovery, gas utilization, and research to recover additional gas from producing or previously produced fields. Major emphasis is on activities in Eastern Gas, Western Gas, Secondary Gas Recovery, Natural Gas to Liquids, Gas Hydrates, Deep Gas and Arctic/Offshore Research. Forty-one papers and fifteen poster presentations were given in seven formal sessions and one informal session: Two General Sessions, Natural Gas to Liquids, Eastern Gas, Western Gas, Hydrates/Deep Gas, and Arctic/Offshore.  Individual projects are processed separately for the data bases.

REPORT  NUMBER: DOE/METC-89/6103;   CONF-890492-