TITLE: Effects of Dispersion and Support on Adsorption, Catalytic and Electronic Properties of Cobalt/Alumina CO Hydrogenation Catalysts: (Technical Progress Report)

AUTHOR:  C. H. Bartholomew.

INST.  AUTHOR:  Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT. Dept. of Chemical Engineering.

SPONSOR:  Department of Energy, Washington, DC.

LANGUAGE:  English

PUB.  TYPE:  Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY:  United States

SOURCE:  Department of Energy [DE],  22 Dec 86,  18p.

NTIS ORDER NO.: DE87003868/INW   


 The continued investigation of dispersion and metal-support interactions and their effects upon the adsorption, activity/selectivity, and electronic properties of the metal in cobalt/alumina (and to a lesser extent on iron/alumina) catalysts is proposed. The objectives of this research are to determine the effects of surface structure and metal dispersion on the adsorption and catalytic properties of cobalt, and determine the effects of metal-support interactions, i.e., effects of decorating support species on metal crystallites and of direct electronic interactions between metal clusters and the support, on the adsoprtion, catalytic and electronic properties of cobalt supported on alumina. (ERA citation 12:011812)