R.I. 5297

Production of Crude Ammonia-Synthesis Gas From North Dakota Lignite in an Anular-Retort Gasifier - 1957

W. H. Oppelt
T. W. Kamps
C. H. Gronhovd
W. R. Kube
R. McMurtrie

Table of Contents 303kb

Section 1
Summary and conclusions 1
Introduction 2
Acknowledgments 3
Design and operation of pilot plant 3
Description of small gasifier and gas-handling system 3
Design and construction of retort 4
Reaction tube 4
Electrical Heating system 4
Heating compartments and retort insulation 7
Charging unit 12
Residue-removal unit 12
Process steam and air 12
Instrumentation 12
Auxiliary equipment 16
Section 2
Operation of retort 16
Operating procedure 16
Sampling 17
Lignite tested 17
Results of tests 18
Comparison of small and commercial-scale gasifiers 18
Relationship of gas production, rate of feeding, and heating-chamber temperature, small gasifier 19
Production of crude ammonia-synthesis gas 22
Composition of products 23
Typical heat balances 24
Typical material and elemental balances 24
Appendix 26
Bibliography 29

1/  Supervisor, Utilization Section, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

2/  Former supervisory chemical engineer, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

3/  Mechanical engineer, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

4/  Chemical engineer, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

5/  Former superintendent, Lignite Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.