R. I. 4764

Design, Construction, and Operation of a Distillation Laboratory for the Synthetic Liquid Fuels Program - 1951

J. Feldman1/
P. Pantazoplas2/
G. Pantazoplas2/
M. Orchin1/

In the pdf format this document has 18 pages and 1371kb

Cover Page 305kb

Table of Contents 3kb

Introduction 1
General 1
Column set-up 1
Reflux rate controls 2
Panel board 3
Vacuum control unit 3
Temperature records 3
Timers 4
Auxiliary vacuum system 4
Column operation 4

1/ Organic chemist, Synthetic Liquid Fuels Branch, Bureau of Mines, Bruceton, Pa.

2/  Scientific aide, Synthetic Liquid Fuels Branch, Bureau of Mines, Bruceton, Pa.