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TOM Reel No. 49 Frames 470-523

Ruhrchemie A. G.

Calculations of Gas Utilization and the Course of Synthesis
During the Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide
by otto roelen

Table of COntents

Part I  667kb pdf


  1. Introduction to the mathematical method of treatment
  2. Selection of auxiliary figures and characteristic numbers.
  3. Explanation of symbols

Part II  2387kb pdf

Computation of Hydrocarbon formation from the Data of Gas Analyses.

  1. Three basic assumptions in all computations of gas analyses
  2. Algebraic expression of the three assumptions.
    1. The two basic stoichiometric equations and their solution.
    2. Computation of intermediate values.
    3. Computation of the residual volume from the nitrogen content.
    4. The n-R equation
    5. Applicability and range of validity of the relationship between the auxiliary and intermediate values.
  3. Calculation of characteristic numbers
    1. Conversion and consumption ratio
    2. Formation of methane
      1. Computation of the pure methane  content in the end gas
      2. Approximate values for factor b
      3. Determination of the formation of methane.
    3. Yield of higher hydrocarbons

Part III  574kb pdf

Determination of the Hydrogen-Carbon Monoxide ratios and the Oxygen-Containing groups in the products.

  1. Reasons for extending the evaluations
  2. The calculation of the oxygen-containing groups from results of gas analyses.
  3. Chemical investigation of the products formed.
    1. Combustion
    2. Precision distillation and chemical analysis.

Part IV  1299kb pdf

Application of the Formulas Derived.

  1. Evaluation from gas analyses and the syntheses data
    1. General course of calculations.
    2. Testing the results
      1. Testing the basis
      2. Proof of the formation of carbon dioxide
      3. Cancellation of errors
      4. Testing for the errors of computations
    3. The use of blank forms
      1. Preliminary computations after the course of the synthesis.
      2. Uniform use of abbreviation and characteristic numbers.
Appendix  558kb pdf
Explanation of symbols
Collection of formulas