3112.----- [RUHRCHEMIE, A. G.]  [Process for Deliming  Burned Magnesia.]  German Patent Appl. R 115,221, R 660, filed Jan. 25, 1943, (Cl. IV b-12 m.)l  FIAT Reel K-30, frames 7,889-7,991’ {TOM Reel 177, frames 1,478-1,480; TOM Reel 36, bag 3,454, item 36, 3 pp.; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 1, ch. 4, 1948, p.11.

Lime-containing magnesia is suspended in cold H2O (preferably condensed H2O) and then treated at < 70° (preferably < 40°) with a solution of Mg nitrate in the proportions of 0.7-1 kg. MgO in form of Mg(NO3)3 to 1 kg. of CaO.  The mixture is vigorously stirred for 48 hr. at about 20°, washed with cold condensed H2O filtered and the MgO precipitate further washed.  The product contains < 1% of CaO and is a very suitable material for catalyst preparation.