2870. -----[RUHRCHEMIE, A.G.] Catalysts. British Patent 500,182, Feb.1, 1939; appl. filed May 1, 1937. Chem Abs., vol. 33,1939, p. 5645.

In the preparation of catalysts suitable for benzine synthesis, etc., by precipitating a compound of the Fe group upon a carrier consisting of kieselguhr, powdered asbestos, Cr oxide, or steatite, the carrier is previously heated to incandescence to reduce the solubility of constituents soluble in the acid and alkaline reagents used in the preparation and regeneration of the catalyst. To obtain a fine distribution of the carrier material, it may be mixed with finely divided combustible material, such as wood pulp, before being heated.  An extraction with acid may follow the heating.  As a further precaution against solution of constituents of the carrier the latter nay be added to the catalyst solution only when the precipitation of the latter is almost completed.  When the exhausted catalyst is dissolved from the carrier by means of acid and reprecipitated, any impurities that have also been dissolved may be removed by a preliminary precipitation followed by filtration.