1936. ------. [KOPPERS, H., G. m. b. H.] (H. Koppers Industrielle Maatschappij N. V.). Water-Gas Plant. British Patent 466,737, June 3, 1937. Chem. Abs., vol. 31, 1937, p. 8893.

In producing a mixture of H2 and CO, preferably in the ratio 2:1, suitable for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, by passing a mixture of coal distillation gas and steam through the hot bed of a water gas generator, the mixture of gases is preheated in a regenerator, previously heated to a high temperature by the "blow" gases from the generator, before entering the generator, so as to insure a substantial conversion of the hydrocarbons in the coal gas before contact with the hot fuel bed.

------. See abs. 1921, 2060, 2061, 3751.