1546.  ------.  [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE, A. G.]  [Regenerating Catalysts.]  German Patent Appl. I 72,810, OZ 13,565, filed July 22, 1942 (Cl. IV d-12 o).  FIAT Reel  168, frames 6,956-6,959; PB 68,444; TOM Reel 17, item 32, frames 890-893; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 2, chap. 94, 1948, p. 55

            In rebuilding uses, so-called fused Fe catalysts, preferably after the removal of conversion products still held by them, by treatment with a solvent or at raised temperature with H2 they are exposed to small amounts of O2 or to another oxidizing gas until they no longer become heated in air and then are fused in a stream of O2.