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Patent Abstracts

      842.  GRECO, G.  (Montecatini).  [Synthesis Gas.]  Italian Patent 446,318. Mar. 16, 1949.  Chem. Abs., vol. 45. 1951. p. 1754.

            Conventional method of synthesis gas manufacture from gaseous aliphatic hydrocarbons is modified as follows: No external heat is used, but the reaction starts with partial combustion of the hydrocarbons: the gas mixture so obtained is then injected into the catalyst chamber.  The air or O2 needed for the combustion should be 10% more than that required by the reaction 2CH4+O2=2CO+4H2.  Gives a design of the oven and of the catalyst chamber.

            Green, S. J.  See abs. 68, 71.