140.     ------.  [BARR, F. T.]  (Standard Oil Development Co.).  [Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons Consisting Mainly of Branched Paraffins From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen by the Fluidized Process.)  French Patent 943,220.  Sept. 18, 1946.  Mar. 2, 1949, in United States. Oct 12, 1944.  Chem. Zentralb., 1950, I, p. 1173.

To attain and maintain a reasonably high catalyst concentration in the reaction zone, an easily condensable gas, such as steam, is used in addition to the synthesis gas.  Example:  the hot synthesis gas can be cooled by a water spray to the synthesis temperature (203°-315°).  By such means steam is formed, which contributes to the formation of a dense catalyst zone.

See United States Patent 2,475,214 (abs. 153).