38.            ARNOLD, M. H. M., PRYDE, D. R., MORLEY, R. J. AND IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD.  PRODUCER GAS.  British Patent 578,711, July 9, 1946.  Chem. Abs., vol. 41. 1947. p. 1830.

Finely powdered noncaking coal, or caking coal blended with inert material of a particle size of about 0.035-0.39 mm. is carbonized in a fluid or suspended state maintained by recirculation of the carbonization gases from top to bottom of the carbonizing chamber.  The heat required for carbonization is secured by introducing a part of the residue from the gasification state at about 1,100° into the top of the carbonizing chamber, where it is mixed with the powdered coal.  The carbonized residue is also kept in a fluid or suspended state during the gasification stage in a separate chamber by an air-stream mixture, which may or may not be preheated.  In an example, the producer gas analyzed Co. 22: H2 24: and N2, 44% with small quantities of CO2 and CH4.