3277.     MÜLLER, H.  [Generation of Water Gas From Brown Coal in the Pintsch-Hillebrand Generator of the Hamburg Gas Works.  II.]  Gas- u. Wasserfach, vol. 78, 1935, p. 431-436; Chem. Abs., vol. 29, 1935, p. 6397-6398.

        Further operation of this generator has been carried out successfully on a continuous basis with only a few minor difficulties.  The generator proper is an annular ring 4.7 m. in internal diameter with a minimum thickness of 55 cm.  Coal is fed to distillation chambers above this generator, where it is preheated to 700° by hot water gas.  The water-gas generator is heated internally by recirculated gas from the generator, freed from dust and tar, saturated with water, and preheated in one of two regenerators to 1,300°; the other regenerator is heated to 1,350° by burning the generator gas, and then is used in turn to heat the recirculated gas.  Part of the heated recirculated gas and water gas passes through the coal-distillation chambers.  The gas yield is approximately 35,000 cu. ft. per net ton of brown coal briquets, with a heating value of approximately 290 B.t.u. per cu. ft.  The thermal efficiency of the generator is given as 58.3%, and a complete thermal balance and a thermal diagram are given.  Only a small amount of the S used to cement the brown-coal briquets appears in the gas, the larger part being fixed as CaS in the ash.  Cost data are given for German conditions.  Improvements suggested are use of dry producer gas for heating the regenerators, use of waste-heat boilers, and proper gas velocity to avoid combustible matter in the fly ash.  This process is especially adapted for the manufacture of gas for synthetic purposes as it is readily possible to secure a H2:CO ratio of 2:1.