3276.     STIEF, F.  [Pintsch-Hillebrand Continuous Blue-Gas Generator at the Hamburg Gas Works.  I.]  Gas-u. Wasserfach, vol. 75, 1932, pp. 581-586; Chem. Abs., vol. 26, 1932, p. 5402.

                    Continuous blue-gas generator has been devised to overcome the known faults of the intermittent process, involving the distillation of brown-coal briquets by hot blue gas and the gasification of the resulting semicoke in an annular generator in a stream of blue gas at about 1,300° carrying the required amount of steam.  A portion of the blue gas is burned in 1 of the 2 regenerators, while the other regenerator, previously heated, is used to heat the blue gas saturated with water at 60°-74° to the above temperature.  The distillation gas is passed through an electric tar precipitator and mixed with blue gas passing to the regenerators.  A portion of the gas from the generator is withdrawn for use and contains about 4.2-8.6% CO2, 35.4-39.4% CO, 50.4-51.0% H2, 1.0% CH4, and 4.8-5.0% N2.  The gas yield was 27,000-29,000 cu. ft. of approximately 300 B.t.u. gas per net ton with a thermal efficiency of 52%.  A plant having a capacity of about 1,500,000 cu. ft. per day was operated for some time.  Difficulties were found in keeping refractory walls tight, etc., but it is believed that these difficulties have been solved.