3132.     SCHUMAN, S. C.  Role of the Carbides of Iron in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.  Jour. Chem. Phys., vol. 16, 1948, p. 1175; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 1636.

        Equilibrium constants have been calculated for the formation of hydrocarbons from Fe2C, CO, and H2 in accordance with the reactions   

(1)  Fe2C+(2n-1)H2+(n-1)CO=CnH2n+2Fe+(n-1)H2O

  (2)  Fe2C+2nH2+(n-1)CO=CnH2n+2+2Fe+(n-1)H2O

by which hydrocarbons are produced with each hydrocarbon molecule containing 1 C atom derived from an Fe2C intermediate, using the free energy data for Fe2C given by Kummer, Browning, and Emmett, and the data for CO, H2O, and hydrocarbons of Rossini.  The equilibrium constants for both reactions are shown at 227° and 327° for n=2 and n=8.  These data indicate that the formation of hydrocarbons from Fe2C is thermodynamically possible under the conditions employed in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.  While no claim is made that reactions (1) and (2) represent the chemical process responsible for the formation of Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons, they are at least as compatible with the experimental synthesis data as the reactions considered by Kummer, Browning, and Emmett.