3124.     SCHUESSL, F.  [Conversion of Carbon Monoxide Under Increased Pressure With Steam.]  Gas- u. Wasserfach, vol. 82, 1939, pp. 359-362; British Chem. Abs., 1939, B, p. 685; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 6562.

        Catalyst composed of active C and MgO promotes the conversion of CO+H2O=CO2+H2 at 350°-420° and 12-14 atm. with little tendency to CH4 formation or other side reactions.  It is insensitive to S, converting organic S compounds into H2S and destroying NO.  The process is well adapted for producing gases for synthesis of NH3, MeOH, etc. and for detoxifying town gas.  Working results of 2 installations are summarized.