2534.     ORMANDY, W. R., AND BURNS, J.  Production of Oil From British Coal.  Trans. Inst. Marine Eng., vol. 45, 1933, pp. 239-254; Petrol. Times, vol. 30, 1933, pp. 551-552, 579-581, 607, 608; Colliery Guard., vol. 147, 1933, pp. 749-751; Chem. Abs., vol. 28, 1934, p. 620.

        Quantity of oils from coal is discussed with reference to price competition with petroleum.  The production of oil from coal is considered under the headings (1) distillation with variation in temperature, (2) hydrogenation, and (3) distillation of coal and conversion of coke into water gas, which by catalytic reactions is converted into a wide range of products.  Compares fuel-oil and coal-oil mixtures.  Discusses Cunard process of using finely divided coal suspended in oil.

        OROCHKO, D. I.  See abs. 2169.