2207.     ---------------.  [MATTHEWS, M. A.]  Acetylene by the Arc; Also the Oxosynthesis at Ruhrchemie, Holten.  BIOS Final Rept. 747, Sept. 1946, 4 pp.; PB 52,880.

        Besides the production of C2H2 from CH4 by high-temperature cracking, some details are given regarding a plant that was under construction for the production of alcohols from the C11-C18 olefins obtained from Fischer-Tropsch Kogasin by the Oxosynthesis, that is, addition of CO and H2 under pressure to give the aldehyde and subsequent reduction by H2 under pressure to the alcohol.  The catalyst is the normal Fischer-Tropsch catalyst of Co-ThO2-kieselguhr.  The yield of alcohols is approximately 100% by weight of the olefins present in the reaction mixture.  The mixed alcohols are to be used for manufacture of detergents.