2129.     LOEB, W.  [Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide.]  Ztschr. Elektrochem., vol. 11, 1905, pp. 745-752; Jour. Chem. Soc., vol. 90, II, 1906, p. 43.

        In the silent electric discharge, moist CO2 yields CO and O2 first, HCOOH and H2O2 are formed slowly as secondary products.  In moist CO, the main reactions are CO+H2=CH2O and CO+H2O=CO2+H2.  HCOOH also is formed.  A moist mixture of CO2 and H2 gives CH2O and HCOOH; CO and H2 give the same products with CH2O present in greater quantities, as also CO2.  Moist CH2O vapor decomposes mainly into CO and H2 with small quantities of CH4; HCOOH and H2O vapor behave similarly.  From CH4 and CO2, it is almost certain that alcohol can be synthesized, and alcohol is very probably one of the intermediate products of the natural synthesis.