2124.     LIVINGSTON, J. W.  Report on Leuna Works Near Mersebeg. CIOS Rept. XXVIII-27, 1945, 11 pp.; PB 6682.

        This report describes briefly the synthesis of MeOH and higher alcohols from CO and H2; the production of synthetic detergents from the sulfonchlorides produced by the hydrogenation of Kogasin and treatment with SO2 and Cl2 with ultraviolet light as catalyst; the production of C2H4 by dehydrogenation of C2H6 and its polymerization to lubricating oil; the hydrogenation of coal; and the dehydrogenation of butane to butene, which is used for alkylation with H2SO4 as the catalyst.

         LIVSHITZ, V. D.  See abs. 1659, 1660, 1661, 1662.