2088.     LEIBUSH, A. G., AND BERGO, G. Y.  [Reaction of Methane With Water Vapor.  I.]  Jour. Chem. Ind. (U.S.S.R.), vol. 15, No. 5, 1938, pp. 41-47; Chem. Abs., vol. 32, 1938, p. 7698.

        Dynamic studies show that when a mixture of CH4 and H2O is heated for 1-8 sec. no C is formed below 900°, but when the mixture is heated under static conditions for 0.25-6 hr., C begins to form above 750° and disappears again above 950°.  Increase in the amount of excess H2O in the mixture, decrease in pressure, and the addition of O2 decrease or stop C formation.  These facts are explained by assuming that in a chain reaction CH4 decomposes to CH2, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2 and finally C, and that each of these compounds reacts to a greater or less degree with H2O to give the final stable products, H2, CO, and CO2.