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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999

Literature Abstracts

       1900.    MURATA, Y., NAKAGAWA, M., TASHIRO, E., AND UNEMURA, T.  Synthesis of Benzine From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.  LXIV.  Methods of Preparing Iron Catalysts.  Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 46, 1943, pp. 52-68; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 2400.

        In the preparation of Fe catalysts the effect of the precipitating method and temperature, the method of washing the precipitate, the concentration at the time of precipitation, the quality and preliminary treatment of kieselguhr, the purity of reagents, the amount of alkali used in precipitation, the method of adding alkali as promoter, etc., on the activity of the catalyst was studied.  The catalyst containing Fe 100, Cu 25, kieselguhr 125, and K2CO3 2 parts by weight was used with a gas mixture of CO:H2 = 1:1 at 253°.  The results show: (a) It is desirable in the precipitation that alkali should be added as quickly as possible with sufficient agitation and the time of adding kieselguhr has no marked effect, (b) the temperature at the time of precipitation has little influence, (c) washing the precipitate requires special care but less than with Co or Ni catalysts, (d) the concentration of the reagents has no marked influence, but it is desirable that the alkali solution be concentrated and the solutions of metallic salts be rather dilute, (e) the quality of the kieselguhr has a marked effect, and kieselguhr previously treated with acid produces a catalyst of inferior quality, (f) Fe and Na2CO3 need not be especially pure (g) 5-15% excess of the precipitating reagent should be used, (h) it is necessary that the alkaline promoter be uniformly spread over the surface of the catalyst.