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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1500-1749

Literature Abstracts

 1698.    ---------------.  [KAWAKITA, K.]  Chemisorption of Carbon Dioxide by Reduced Iron.  II.  The Effect of Chemisorption on van der Waals Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide at 0°.  Rev. Phys. Chem. Japan, vol. 12, 1938, pp. 105-114; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 1568.

       Chemisorption of CO2 by reduced Fe at 300°-500° was studied by measurement of its van der Waals adsorption at 0°.  The following 3 types of surfaces, obtained by pretreatment, were studied:  (A) Fresh surface without chemisorption, (B) when reaction vessel is evacuated at 300°-400° after chemisorption and (C) when the reaction vessel is not evacuated or evacuated at 0° after chemisorption.  The van der Waals adsorption was greater on surface (B) and less on surface (C) than on surface (A).  The fraction of the surface covered with the adsorbed molecules and the total number of the elementary spaces in van der Waals adsorption at 0° were calculated.  The relation between the fraction of surface covered with the adsorbed molecules and the whole surface was found to be (B)=(A)>(C).  The relation between the total number of elementary spaces and the surfaces was (B)>(A)>(C).  Increase in van der Waals adsorption due to the chemical treatment at high temperature in the case of (B) is ascribed to increase in the total number of elementary spaces.