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Literature Abstracts

 1654.    KAINER, F.  Di5.  Kohlenwasserstoff-Synthese nach Fischer-Tropsch.  Springer-Verlag.  Berlin, Germany, 1950, 322 pp.; Rev. in Chem. and Eng. News, vol. 29, No. 28, 1951, pp. 2860, 2862.

        This book is based to a great extent on patents and patent applications issued during the development of the hydrocarbon synthesis.  The value of these patent references could be increased, however, by mentioning their dates of application and publication.  No attempt is made to compare, critically, results of research work done by different researchers or to contribute substantially to the theories or to explain the mechanism of the involved reaction.  Any revision of this book should contain more data regarding the basic facts of the synthesis and fewer data on the preparation of specific, and for a great part on relatively unimportant, catalysts (45 pp. are given over to kieselguhr catalysts).  The section (73 p.) on synthesis products presents considerable useful information on the different methods used in Germany for recovering and refining the synthesis products and further shows that hydrocarbon synthesis is not only of importance for the manufacture of liquid fuels but for the production of raw materials for many other industrial processes.