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Literature Abstracts

 1504.    ---------------.  [HOWES, D. A.] Interrogation of A. Bollhorn, E. Grages and Dr. Gross of Deutsche Erdoel A.-G., Berlin.  Production of Vaseline From Fischer-Tropsch Wax. BIOS Final Rept. 326, 1945, p. 17, PB 27,705, TOM Reel 227.

       At the Research Station, Berlin, an inferior grade of vaseline has been made experimentally by dissolving Fischer-Tropsch wax in liquid paraffin.  The wax is dissolved in ethylene dichloride and the fraction of the required melting point obtained by fractional crystallization.  It is then refined by treatment with H2SO4 at 160°-180° until water-white.

        See abs. 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878.