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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1500-1749

Literature Abstracts

 1500.    ---------------.  [HOWARD, F. A.] Synthetic Fuels.  Combustion, vol. 20, No. 5, 1948, pp. 47-50; Oil Gas Jour., vol. 47, No. 29, 1948, p. 61; Mech. Eng., vol. 71, No. 1, 1949, pp. 26-27.

        In an address before the National Coal Association, the development of destructive hydrogenation and the hydrocarbon synthesis processes for producing oil from coal is traced, and the present economic status is discussed.  Methods are suggested for building up a national synthetic-fuel industry in this country.  A definite program should be laid out whereby industry and Government would cooperate in creating the necessary foundation.  There are 3 lines of endeavor:  (1) Further technical development and pilot-testing of modernized coal gasification.  This should be left to private industry without Government subsidy.  (2) The preparation of complete and reliable project plans for large synthesis units at fixed locations preferably capable of great expansion.  The actual engineering cost would be met by Government funds under contract with the industrial units involved.  (3) The collection of field engineering and geological data on location, quality, and mining conditions of coal and shale reserves suitable for conversion to permit the drafting of a master plan for a national synthetic-fuel industry.  This could be contracted for and supervised by the Army engineers.