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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1476.    MORLEY, R. J.  I. G. Farbenindustrie A.-G. Works at Leuna.  III.  Methanol and Higher Alcohol Synthesis.  CIOS Rept. XXXII-107, 1945, pp. 15-17 PB 6,650.  Bureau of Mines Inf. Circ. 7,370, 1945, pp. 15-17.

       About 12,000 tons per mo. of MeOH was produced and used for motor fuel, CH2O manufacture and for solvents.  The plant for making isobutanol (higher alcohols) was very similar to that used for MeOH synthesis as also was the synthesis gas.  The catalyst was the same a for MeOH (Zn+Cr) with 2% K2O added; maximum catalyst temperature was 450°.  Plant output was 12,000 tons per mo. of which 12% was isobutanol.  The composition of the crude was:  MeOH 50-55%; H2O 22-25%; dimethylether 1-3%; n-propanol 1-2%; isobutanol 11-12%; alcohols, ketones, hydrocarbons, etc., C5 2%, C6 and C7 2.5%, C8 and C9 1-2%, C10-C14 1%; yellow oil containing 70% olefins 1-2%; fractions 110°-160° and 160°-250° each 3-4%.  The MeOH was separated and repassed through the converter to produce more higher alcohols.  Working-up of the crude can be followed by reference to a flow sheet.  The dimethylether (purified to 98%) was used for making dimethysulfate and dimethylaniline.  The purified propanol was used for cosmetics and solvents; other material was converted to propionic acid or reacted with CH2O to yield trimethylolethane which, when reacted with the oxidized acids from the 160°-200° fraction, yielded a substitute for castor oil.  Some propanol was used in the production of glycerin.  Isobutanol was converted to isobutylene and thence to isooctane or to Oppanol (polyisobutylene); some was used as acetates as lacquer solvents and some for making Koresin a CH2O resin; other amounts were converted to isobutylamine.  Some of the fractions 110°-130° and 130°-160° were used as acetates as solvents (Intrasolvane); the fraction 110°-160° was used to make Palatinol HS, esters of phthalic acid, used as plasticizers.  The fraction 200°-250° was used in the manufacture of esters, lubricants and driers.  Higher fractions could not be used.