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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1441.    ---------------.  [HOFER, L. J. E., AND PEEBLES, W. C.] X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Action of Carbon Monoxide on Cobalt-Thoria-Kieselguhr Catalysts.  I.  Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 69, 1947, pp. 2497-2500; Chem. Abs., vol. 42, 1948, p. 1483.

       Reduction of the Fischer-type and Hall-type Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at 400° leaves the Co in the face-centered cubic β form, which does not convert readily to the hexagonal close-packed a form.  On carburization of the reduced catalyst, the Co is converted to the same carbide previously reported by the authors (abs. 1440).  The carburization of a-Co and β-Co as associated with kieselguhr, Tho2, and MgO proceeds at nearly the same rates and results in the same crystalline carbide.  Hydrogenation of the carbide forms CH4 and the stable a-Co.  The cycle of carbiding the Co in the reduced catalyst and hydrogenating the carbide so formed can be repeated apparently indefinitely at 210°.