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Literature Abstracts

 1319.    ---------------.  [HALL, C. C.] Chemical Products From the Fischer-Tropsch Process.  Chem. and Ind., 1947, p. 722; Chem. Age, vol. 57, 1947, p. 701.

       Abstract of paper read before the Glasgow Section, Society of Chemical Industry.  With Co catalysts, the formation of straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons is favored, whereas Fe catalysts promote the production of alcohols.  The general range of products was discussed under the heads of fuels, waxes, lubricating oils, alcohols, fatty acids, detergents, etc.  The most interesting chemicals are the primary alcohols and the fatty acids.  The prospects for operating the Fischer-Tropsch process in Britain are not bright for the production of fuels, but there is some hope of operation for the production of chemicals in competition with similar products from petroleum.