1264.    GRINEVICH, V. M.  [Carbon Catalyst for Carbon Monoxide Conversion.]  Jour. Appl. Chem. (U.S.S.R.), vol. 13, 1940, pp. 831-840 (in French, p. 840); Chem. Zentralb., 1941, I, p. 1209; Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941, p. 2286.

       Activity of catalysts prepared by impregnating charcoal with K2S, K2CO3, and calcining in the absence of NH3-CO or CO2 was low.  The catalysts prepared by impregnation of activated fir charcoal with KCNS, or better with K2S, K2CO3, or K2SiO3, and calcining in an NH3-CO or CO2 stream were nearly as active as the Fe-Mg catalyst.  Removal of K from the C catalyst virtually destroyed its activity.  Therefore, the action of C catalysts is due to the presence of K compounds distributed on the surface of the carrier (active C).  The flash point of C catalysts decreased with an increase in their activity.  The presence of Pt in the C catalyst containing K considerably increased its activity.  All experiments were carried out at 400° and 500° at a volume velocity of 100 and 600 and steam:gas ratio = 3.