877.    ---------------.  [FARAGHER, W. F. AND HORNE, W. A., HOWES, D. A., SCHINDLER, H., CHAFFEE, C. C., WEST, H. L., AND ROSENFELD, L.]  Supplemental Report on Ruhrchemie A. G., Sterkrade-Holten, Ruhr.  Direct Synthesis of Higher Alcohols From Water Gas.  CIOS Rept. XXXII-96, 1945, pp. 20-21; TOM Reel 196; PB 1366.

     Direct synthesis of alcohols was being studied in the small unit show schematically.  The process involves passing a mixture of fresh water gas and recycle gas compressed in 2 stages to 10-100 atm. at a space velocity of 100-150 N l. per l. of catalyst per hr. over 5 l. of a promoted Fe catalyst (100 Fe, 5 Cu, 10 Ce, 50 kieselguhr) contained in an oil-heated tubular reactor.  The reaction products are passed through a hot separator at 110° and thence to a condenser.  The gas flow is started at a reactor temperature of 200°, which is raised degree by degree to the desired conversion temperature, 220°-240°.  At the higher pressure the olefin content of the product is small and the O-containing products are of shorter chain length, whereas at medium pressure higher molecular compounds are formed with a higher proportion of olefins.  From 1 N m.3 of gas, 80-100 gm. of a mixture of alcohols, esters, and olefins, to about C18, are obtained in a single pass operation.  The alcohol content of the total product averages 50-60% and the alcohols are all primary and predominantly of iso-structure.