690.    DENT, F. J., AND HENDEN, D.  Catalytic Synthesis of Methane as a Method of Enrichment in Town-Gas Manufacture.  Gas Research Board Rept. 51; Gas World, vol. 130, 1949, pp. 1938-1939; vol. 131, pp. 69-75.

      Experiments were carried out to demonstrate that catalysts can be operated successfully at the high space velocities necessary on gas-production plants by suitably controlling the temperature of the catalyst surface and by using catalysts of suitable composition.  Temperature control was maintained by recirculation of the heating gases.  Operating with blue water gas at a space velocity of 2,000 vol. per vol. per hr., a final gas of approximately 500 B.t.u. per cu. ft. was made at atmospheric pressure, and with a H2-rich gas of more than 700 B.t.u. it was made at 20 atm.  During a 4-month run with no appreciable deterioration in the calorific value and with a catalyst life of this length, the catalyst cost should be no more than 0.3 d. per therm.  There are two possible applications of the synthesis reaction that are worth consideration:  As an alternative to oil for enrichment of blue water gas at times when the maximum thermal output of gas is not required from the water gas plant, and for enrichment of gas produced by the gasification of coke breeze at moderate pressure with O2 and steam.  In the first case, the margin between the cost of the raw material and the value of the synthesized product should be enough to cover the installation and operation of the synthesis plant.  Determination of the efficiency of the gasification of breeze under pressure and of the outputs obtainable is to be made soon under pilot-plant conditions.

     DENT, F. J., BLACKBURN, W. H., ANDMILLETT, H. C.  Investigation of the Use of Oxygen and High Pressure in Gasification.  II.  Synthesis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons at High Pressure.  See abs. 692.

      Investigation of the Use of Oxygen and High Pressure in Gasification.  III.  Synthesis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons at High Pressure.  See abs. 693.

     DENT, F. J., BLACKBURN, W. H., MILLETT, H. C., AND MOIGNARD, L. S.  Investigation of the Use of Oxygen and High Pressure in Gasification.  IV.  Synthesis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons at High Pressure.  See abs. 694.