673.    ---------------.  [DAZELEY, G. H., AND HALL, C. C.]  Preparation of Lubricating Oils From Hydrocarbon-Synthesis Products.  I.  II.  Petroleum (London), vol. 11, 1948, pp. 14-15, 26, 41-44; Chem. Abs., vol. 42, 1948, p. 3943.

      Fischer-Tropsch diesel oil may be cracked to yield products containing olefins.  Material obtained by thermal cracking at 600° and atmospheric pressure polymerizes in the presence of 5% AlCl3 to give good yields of satisfactory lubricating oil.  The products derived from cracking in an autoclave at 450° and over an Al-Si catalyst at 600° give poor yields of lubricating oil on polymerization.  The differences in the products are said to be due to the presence of mainly straight-chain a-mono-olefins in the thermally cracked gasolines but not in those formed by other methods of cracking.