373.     BROWN, R. L., AND GALLOWAY, A. E.  Methanol From Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide.  I.  Ind. Eng. Chem., vol. 20, 1928, pp. 960-966; Fuel, vol. 7, 1928, pp. 518-525; Chem. Abs., vol. 22, 1928, p. 4104.

                  Experimental production of MeOH from H2 and CO has been studied, with ZnO, basic ZnCrO4 and normal ZnCrO4 as catalysts.  The last 2 are more active than ZnO, and under high-temperatures and pressures the normal ZnCrO4 is the most active.  With the theoretical mixture of CO and H2 at 400° and 180 atm., a 20% conversion of CO to MeOH has been obtained.